Get Yoga Fit on Your Schedule

Why spend time traveling to a smelly gym when you can get professional yoga workouts at your home, office, park or beach? We teach couples and kids for the same hourly price. We arrive on time and on schedule to fit your day. The meditative benefits of yoga benifit from you not having to rush to class or fight to get there. When you consider the benefits and value of your time, private classes are are the most economical option. Call us today!

Whole Mind & Body Health

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Yoga Fit, inside & out

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All Ages & Body Types

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Lisa Williams

Certified Yoga Instructor

“One of my greatest joys is to see people get healthier, to help them exceed their expectations and actualize their goals while having fun”

Lisa incorporates in-depth health and exercise evaluations, functional training, strength training, nutrition coaching, yoga, injury rehabilitation and more to produce dramatic results for each individual client.


Our coaching program is for everyone.

“I was blown away. Yoga on the beach was the best. I’ll never go back to the gym”

Sue Smith

Full Time Mom

“My body had never been in better shape than when I trained with JupiterYoga”

Barbara Schumaker

CEO, Rockstar Rep

“My wife and I used to never see each other. Now we do two classes a week together. We’re saving time and money”

Mark Jones

Jupiter Jet Ski, Self Employed

Life is Too Short to Spend in a Gym.

Transform your mind & body with yoga that’s both physically and mentally healthy. 


This Website and Domain is for sale

The package includes website & schedule system, plus the feederdomains thatrank high in Google once site turned on.

For details contact

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