The Jupiter Yoga Team

Jupiter Yoga Instructors

Sarah Stretch

Yoga, Fitness, Diet and Strength Trainer
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  • Yoga 90% 90%
  • Diet 80% 80%
  • Strength 50% 50%

Barbra Bends

Yoga, Pilates, Beach Running 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis nec nisi non luctus. Donec aliquam non nisi ut rutrum. In sit amet vestibulum felis, id aliquet ipsum. Vestibulum feugiat lacinia aliquet.

  • Yoga 85% 85%
  • Running 75% 75%
  • Meditation 60% 60%

Terry Twists

Yoga, Meditation, Massage
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis nec nisi non luctus. Donec aliquam non nisi ut rutrum. In sit amet vestibulum felis, id aliquet ipsum. Vestibulum feugiat lacinia aliquet.

  • Yoga 85% 85%
  • Meditation 50% 50%
  • Massage 70% 70%

Don Anderson
CEO of Don Anderson Companies
Local Builder and Yoga Enthusiast
26 Year Jupiter Resident

I love yoga. It’s good for my mind body and spirit. But I don’t love traveling across town to a smelly gym or studio to do it. The stress of the drive ruins the meditative benefits and the drive time adds an extra hour of sitting on my butt time to my day. I run a successful business and my time is valuable. Rushing home to get changed for a yoga class, driving to a gym, and then driving home sweaty to shower was just oo much hassle. Worst of all was doing all that based on an instructor’s class schedule instead of my own. It just didn’t make economic sense. The result was missed workouts and an exercise schedule few busy people could maintain. I also build high-quality homes and have a nice one myself. Why would I want to travel for yoga when I have a beautiful l pool in my back yard? Private yoga lessons just make more sense. So, I started this yoga service for people like me. The economics make sense and they become a no-brainer if you have a spouse, children, neighbor or friend who would enjoy sharing a workout. Our trainers don’t charge per person. By eliminating the unnecessary expense of a studio, I’ve been able to hire the best instructors in Jupiter and provide yoga in your home, office, beach or local park at a price that’s economical for almost anyone. I hope you try our services.

This Website and Domain is for sale

The package includes website & schedule system, plus the feederdomains thatrank high in Google once site turned on.

For details contact

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